首页 > cfa模拟题
  • CFA三级考试模拟题:另类投资组合管理
    2020-01-06 16:20:36
  • CFA一级考试科目道德理论介绍+习题讲解
    2019-11-14 11:26:30
  • CFA一级考试科目道德自编测试题!
            CFA一级考试科目道德自编测试题!今天小编给大家带来几道CFA一级考试题,快来做一下吧!  cfa考试试题。①Which of the following is most likely part of the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct......
    2019-10-25 17:08:31
  • CFA一级基础考题(3-4)
            为了更好的督促同学们按计划复习考试,小编会各推送CFA一级题。题目的安排是与建议的科目复习节奏一致的,同学们可以检验一下自己的复习效果如何。希望备战CFA的你可以持续关注题目推送,积极准备考试。加油!  ......
    2019-10-10 16:02:50
  • CFA一级考试每日一练
            2019年CFA考试,需要坚持到底,绝不放弃。天行健,君子以自强不息。小编已经为您准备好了cfa历年真题,快来做cfa一级考试真题吧!  1. To study trends in a firm’s cost of goods sold (COGS), the analyst s......
    2019-09-11 13:48:42
  • 【CFA每日一测】CFA一级:Ethics
            2019年CFA考试,需要坚持到底,绝不放弃。天行健,君子以自强不息。小编已经为您准备好了cfa考试试题,快来做cfa一级考试真题吧!  CFA一级自测题  1.Which of the following statements is most accurate? A......
    2019-09-11 13:48:11
  • CFA一级组合管理精选试题
            2019年CFA考试,需要坚持到底,绝不放弃。天行健,君子以自强不息。小编已经为您准备好了cfa历年真题,快来做cfa押题吧!  CFA一级组合管理真题1:Choose one of the following types of institutions is most ......
    2019-09-11 13:47:42
  • 2019年CFA一级考试每日一练
            1. To study trends in a firm’s cost of goods sold (COGS), the analyst should standardize the cost of goods sold numbers to a common-sized basis by dividing COGS by:  A. assets.  B. sales.  ......
    2019-08-15 22:12:25
  • CFA一级衍生品真题,每日一练
            CFA一级衍生品真题1:Which of the following statements describe the exchange-traded derivatives is the most accurate?  A. They are illiquid.  B. They are standardized contracts.  C. They have......
    2019-08-15 22:11:19
  • CFA一级企业理财真题,每日一练
            CFA一级企业理财1:To estimate a company’s target capital structure for determining the weighted average cost of capital (WACC),Wwhich of the following is the least appropriate method?  A. Using......
    2019-08-15 22:10:19